My office is in the amazing National Weather Center. If you are coming to visit or to attend one of the multiple seminars offered every week, plenty of visitor parking is available on the two rows closest to the building. Upon entering the building on the 1st floor, you should check in with the security desk. If you need directions, try this link to Google Maps.
Dr. Sebastian Torres
National Severe Storms Laboratory
National Weather Center
120 David L. Boren Blvd, Rm 4421
Norman, OK 73072
(405) 325-6633
(405) 325-1914
sebas 'at' OU 'dot' edu
We recently received a second award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for our research project "Understanding the Relationship Between Tornadoes and Debris Through Observed and Simulated Radar Data."
This fall, I had the honor and privilege to teach an OLLI class with my friend and colleague Jami Boettcher. "NEXRAD Weather Radar: How it Works and What Those Images Tell Us" kept us busy for 5 weeks this fall.
Our paper "Bootstrap Dual-Polarimetric Spectral Density Estimator" made the cover of the April 2017 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing journal.
I have accepted to serve as an associate editor for the American Meteorological Society’s Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.
I have been chosen as the winner of the 2016 OU College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences Dean’s Award for Outstanding Service.