Understanding the Relationship Between Tornadoes and Debris Through Observed and Simulated Radar Data

Flying debris causes most tornado fatalities, so characterizing the debris field is vital for understanding and nowcasting the threats posed by these violent storms.

The primary objectives of the proposed study are to:

  • Simulate TDSs using the time series, dual-polarization radar simulator with varied debris and flow types from the LES model and RCS database.
  • Evaluate the relationship between debris characteristics and dual-polarization and
    dual-frequency radar data using simulated and observed TDSs.
  • Explore how TDSs are related to debris processes and kinematic characteristics of
    tornadoes using observed and simulated data.
  • Investigate Doppler velocity errors using realistic radar simulations, and develop
    and assess debris centrifuging corrections.
  • Provide interdisciplinary training for undergraduate and graduate students in me-
    teorology and engineering, and increase community awareness of severe weather hazards.

I am a co-principal investigator on this project together with other ARRC members (David Bodine, Boon Leng Cheong, Caleb Fulton, and Robert Palmer).


What's new?

ARRC team receives second NSF award to investigate tonado debris

We recently received a second award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for our research project "Understanding the Relationship Between Tornadoes and Debris Through Observed and Simulated Radar Data."

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NEXRAD class at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

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Paper makes the cover of IEEE journal

Our paper "Bootstrap Dual-Polarimetric Spectral Density Estimator" made the cover of the April 2017 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing journal.

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JTECH Associate Editor

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Outstanding Service Award

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[News archive]