Publishing is an integral part of the research process, but it is also a metric of performance for scientists like myself. However, not all publications are created equal. Formal publications are the very top of the scale because they involve a peer-review process. Conference papers seldom go through the same level of scrutiny as formal publications do, but contain the most recent results and accomplishments. Technical reports usually have a limited audience and contain in-depth coverage of very specific topics. Finally, intellectual property relates to inventions or techniques that are protected either through patents, copyright, or some other similar mechanism.
For a comprehensive list of my publications, follow these links:
Also, visit the official NSSL publication database.
We recently received a second award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for our research project "Understanding the Relationship Between Tornadoes and Debris Through Observed and Simulated Radar Data."
This fall, I had the honor and privilege to teach an OLLI class with my friend and colleague Jami Boettcher. "NEXRAD Weather Radar: How it Works and What Those Images Tell Us" kept us busy for 5 weeks this fall.
Our paper "Bootstrap Dual-Polarimetric Spectral Density Estimator" made the cover of the April 2017 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing journal.
I have accepted to serve as an associate editor for the American Meteorological Society’s Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.
I have been chosen as the winner of the 2016 OU College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences Dean’s Award for Outstanding Service.