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Weather Radar and Observations Research and Development Teams

Projects: WSR-88D Radar Technologies; Dual Polarization; Phased Array Radar; Uncrewed Aerial Systems

Advanced Radar Techniques

Conducts research and develops innovative signal-processing and remote sensing techniques to improve the quality, coverage, and timeliness of meteorological products from weather radars.

Applied Computing for the Meteorological Enterprise

Transitions ideas and prototypes into applications and processes that are used in daily operations.

Doppler Radar and Remote Sensing Research

Traditionally involved in the development of weather radar technology including Doppler, dual-polarization, and phased-array radars and their meteorological applications.

Phased Array Meteorological Studies

Evaluates how rapidly- and adaptively- scanned, dual-polarization radar observations advance our understanding of severe storm structure and evolution, better detect severe weather trends, capture rapid transitions in storm type and threats, and improve the performance of hydrologic models.

Radar Engineering and Development

Designs, develops, and maintains a variety of remote sensing systems and instrumentation in support of engineering and meteorological research efforts at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL).

Mesoscale and Stormscale Modeling Research and Development Teams

Projects: Warn-on-Forecast Systems; Unified Forecast System; Joint Effort for Data Assimilation Integration; Artificial Intelligence; Storm Electrification, Lightning and Convection Research; Cloud Computing

Cloud Microphysics Observational and Modeling Studies

Conducts observational and modeling studies to investigate the impact of cloud microphysical processes on weather and climate.

Observations and Processes

Advance scientific understanding and conceptual and numerical models of convective weather phenomena.

Satellite Data Assimilation and Microphysics

Dedicated to the research and development of the WoFS. The WoFS assimilates radar, satellite, surface, and upper air observations every 5-15 min, requiring data assimilation strategies that can effectively integrate storm-scale information into the background mesoscale environment.

Stormscale Hydrometeorology

Works on the advancement of radar data quality control and the estimation of precipitation.

Forecast, Assessment, and Social Science

Develop innovative post-processing, visualization, and verification tools for convection allowing models (CAMs) and ensembles, and advance the understanding of how forecasters use and interpret probabilistic forecast guidance derived from CAM-based forecasting system.

Forecast Applications Improvements Research and Development Teams

Projects: Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor; Forecasting of A Continuum of Environmental Threats; Hazardous Weather Testbed; Forecaster Training

Boundary Layer Processes

Perform research to improve scientific understanding of the meteorological processes occurring within Earth’s atmospheric boundary layer (ABL).


Provide timely and accurate forecasts and watches for severe thunderstorms and tornadoes over the contiguous United States.

Decision Support/Communications and Leadership Academy

Research, design, develop, and deliver training for residence courses here at the Training Center and distance learning modules available to all NWS employees remotely.

National Weather Service Operations Proving Ground

Represent NWS field offices in the R2O process by conducting "last mile" readiness evaluations of promising new science and technology innovations in a realistic operational environment.

Severe Convection Group

Primary focus of developing new science and technology to improve the detection and short-term forecasting of severe convective weather threats.

Stormscale Hydrology

Works on modeling advancements and techniques to improve the prediction and warning of flash flooding.

Testbed and Prototype

Helps in designing, planning, coordinating, and preparing experiments for the Experimental Warning Program (EWP) in NOAA’s Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT).

Transportation Applications

Focuses on the development of impacts-based decision support tools to help detect and anticipate threats to the transportation sector.

Warning Decision Training Division

Partners with the National Weather Service (NWS) instructors in the instructional design and development process of materials of use for warnings and trainings. This process involves creating training content and tools for the traditional classroom, on-line training lessons, technical reference documents, infographics, and simulations.

Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Prediction for Extreme Weather Events Teams

Projects: S2S Prediction and Relation of Extreme Weather to Regional Climate Variability; S2S, Climate and Sustainability; Use of Climate Networks to Create Gridded Soil Moisture Products

ARM Program Data Quality Office

Characterizes the quality of ARM measurements and acts as the independent arbiter of data quality for the entire ARM program.

Social and Socioeconomic Impacts of High Impact Weather Systems Teams

Projects: Evaluate and Improve Efficacy of Communication of Forecasts to Partner/Public; Improving Research to Operations/Operations to Research for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences; Improving Communication of Forecast Uncertainty; Cultivating a Focus on the Needs of Marginalized Populations/Communities

Behavioral Insights

Conducts social, behavioral, and economic science research to strengthen the connection between meteorological advances and improved societal outcomes, to improve the communication of severe weather information among members of the Weather Enterprise, and to increase the usefulness and useability of weather information among various segments of the public.

Consortium Partners

Projects: Penn State University, Texas Tech University, University of Albany

Penn State University

Research done in partnership with Penn State University.

Texas Tech University

Research done in partnership with Texas Tech University.

University of Albany

Research done in partnership with the University of Albany.