The Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies announces the opening of the prestigious Peter Lamb Postdoctoral Fellowship.

The fellowship is named after former Director and University of Oklahoma Meteorology Professor Dr. Peter Lamb. Lamb passed away in May 2014.

“It is fitting that CIMMS postdoctoral award be named after the former director of CIMMS, Pete Lamb,” said Greg McFarquhar, current CIMMS director and OU Meteorology Professor. “In addition to being an eminent leader in atmospheric and climate science, Pete was an effective mentor and adviser for many graduate students and postdoctoral fellows during his long career. Naming the fellowship after Professor Lamb creates a lasting memory of his contributions as an educator to complement the advances in sciences that are still having an impact on our field.”

The fellowship should address one of CIMMS’ research themes:

  • weather radar research and development
  • storm-scale and mesoscale modeling research and development
  • forecast improvements research and development
  • impacts of climate change related to extreme weather events
  • societal and socioeconomic impacts of high-impact weather systems

The fellowship is for a minimum of one year and applicants must have an approved mentor.

Lamb’s passion for science and research continues to impact future generations with the fellowship being one of many recent tributes to his memory.

Lamb was born in New Zealand before arriving in the United States in 1971. He was a former pupil of Victory School and left a bequest for the purchase and installation of a meteorological station designed to position Victory School as a leader in environmental education. The PJ Lamb Met Station provides essential information for local air quality management.

In November 2017, Lamb’s sister Joy Oakly presented the Lamb Memorial Prize at Nelson College in New Zealand. The Lamb Memorial Price is to be for the top Geography student in year 13 at Nelson College. The award was presented in Lamb’s memory at the annual Senior Prizegiving ceremony.

For more information on the fellowship, visit CIMMS careers page.