Lin Tang, Research Scientist (CIMMS/NSSL)

Ph.D. Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Oklahoma
M.S. Physics, University of Oklahoma
B.S. Physics, Sichuan University, P. R. China

Experience: Lin grew up in Zhang Jia Kou, a city in Northern China that will host several events in the 2022 Olympic Games! She studied Physics at the University of Sichuan, in the southwest corner of the country, before making her way here to Oklahoma. She has been a research scientist with OU CIMMS since 2010, focusing on the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor System. Her particular interests include quality control of radar data and radar-based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation.

What She Does: As part of the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor team, Lin has researched how to provide better precipitation estimation across the MRMS domain. She helped to develop the current MRMS product suite, which was awarded the NOAA Silver Medal for engineering/science achievement in July 2015. Lin has been an author and contributor on several significant papers which have been published in peer-reviewed journals.

Trivia: Lin shares her home with her husband, two sons, and a male cat. Before children, she says, she enjoyed karaoke, traveling, and hanging out with friends. Since children, her life outside the office has revolved around soccer practice, baseball, swimming, violin, and games – whatever her kids are doing!