Charles Kuster, Research Scientist (CIMMS/NSSL)

Background: M.S. Meteorology, University of Oklahoma (2014)
B.S. Meteorology, University of Oklahoma (2012)

Experience: Charles grew up in Leadville, Colorado, where, at an altitude of 10,152 feet, he might see snow any month of the year. That’s why, he says, he will never complain about a hot Oklahoma summer! After high school graduation, he briefly attended both the University of Nebraska and Colorado State University. At Colorado State, he was a physics major, but always knew he wanted to earn a degree in meteorology. This led him to the University of Oklahoma, where he completed his bachelor’s degree in 2012 and eventually his Master’s in 2014. Charles was a Graduate Research Assistant with OU CIMMS before securing a position as Research Associate in January of this year.

What He Does: Charles is part of the Radar Research and Development Division within NSSL. His work focuses on rapidly-updating radar data. He and others are examining Phased Array Radar to learn how scans of approximately one minute can provide greater insight to forecasters and emergency managers on the front lines in severe weather situations. Charles played an instrumental role in supporting the Phased Array Radar Innovative Sensing Experiment, which took place earlier this year. Along with NSSL’s Pam Heinselman and OU CIMMs’ Katie Bowden, he worked with teams of National Weather Service forecasters to study the benefits of Phase Array Radar in an operational setting.

Trivia: Charles enjoys photography, ultimate frisbee, and watching college football. He and his wife, Emma, were married in 2014.