Jill Hardy, OU CIMMS Research Associate


M.S. Meteorology, University of Oklahoma (2014)

B.S. Geological Sciences, University of Southern California (2011)


Jill is originally from Frederick, MD, and has always loved the earth sciences. For her Bachelor’s degree, she studied earthquakes and paleoclimatology at USC. During that time, Jill also pursued the NOAA Hollings Scholarship in order to explore the field of meteorology. Through the program, she completed a summer internship with Dr. Jack Kain of NSSL. This great experience easily convinced her to attend OU for a Master’s in Meteorology. Jill’s hybrid geology-meteorology interests fit well to work with Dr. JJ Gourley (NSSL) and Dr. Yang Hong (OU) on probabilistic flash flood forecasting. Because of this work in hydrometeorology, she earned a position with CIMMS at the Warning Decision Training Division (WDTD) and has been here since May 2014.

What She Does:

At WDTD, Jill partners with National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologist instructors to develop and deliver training for NWS forecasters across the country. She creates training for forecasters to enhance their warning decision-making expertise, with a focus on issuing Flash Flood Warnings. To do this, Jill creates training through a variety of delivery methods, including online recorded lessons, in-residence presentations, hands-on weather event simulation activities, and webinars. These courses cover topics such as fundamentals of flash flood meteorology and hydrology, new flash flood-related products and tools available to forecasters, and Flash Flood Warning text and polygon best practices. Jill loves that her job allows her to interact closely with experts in the field of meteorology, while working towards the NWS mission to protect life and property.


Even though Jill lived in Southern California for four years, she didn’t feel her first earthquake until moving to Oklahoma! And it happened the same weekend she saw her first tornado! Two life goals in three days…check!