Andy Wood, Senior Research Associate

M.S. Meteorology, University of Oklahoma
B.S. Atmospheric Science, University of Albany

• With CIMMS at WDTD for 18 years in August
• Prior to CIMMS, worked at OU Environmental Verification and Analysis Center for 15 months
• Started at EVAC after finishing grad school

What He Does:
• Develops and facilitates training on the WSR-88D radar system and NWS warning operations
• Manages training content on WDTD web server and Dept. of Commerce learning management system
• Serves as a focal point on training tools that WDTD federal and CIMMS staff use to develop and deliver training

Andy didn’t own a car until he was 25 years old and finishing up grad school. He lived about a mile-and-a-half from campus and usually walked to and from school each day unless it rained or snowed. He would wear his shoes out so fast that he probably spent more money on shoes than other grad students did on automobile insurance!