CIMMS researchers David Warde and Dr. Valery Melnikov participated in the InterMET Asia Conference and Expo, held in Singapore and hosted by Baron. The March 2016 conference, which focused on weather radar and hydrological solutions, was comprised of two half-day workshops with attendees from 25 countries world-wide.

David Warde, a research associate with CIMMS/NSSL, demonstrated the benefits of CLEAN-AP during the workshops. Warde is a member of the Advanced Radar Techniques Team at NSSL, which invented the new radar clutter suppression technique. The National Weather Service adopted CLEAN-AP through an exclusive agreement with Baron.

Dr. Valery Melnikov, a CIMMS senior research scientist, addressed the importance of radar calibration. His recorded presentation discussed the methods used by the National Weather Service during their recent Dual-Polarization radar upgrade.

For more about the InterMET Asia Conference and Expo, see this news release from Baron: