Monday, May 2, 2016 begins the first week of the three-week Probabilistic Hazards Information – Hazards Service Experiment and the third week of the four-week GOES-R / JPSS Spring Experiment for the Experimental Warning Program in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) at the National Weather Center in Norman, OK.

The Probabilistic Hazards Information – Hazards Service Experiment will test an AWIPS-2 extension of a prototype interface known as Probabilistic Hazard Information (PHI), part of the Forecasting a Continuum of Severe Threats (FACETs) program. The PHI Tool has been evaluated by NWS forecasters and human factor experts in the HWT the past two years. Recently, a USRWP grant was awarded that supports the initial effort to transfer the capabilities of the prototype into AWIPS2 Hazard Services (HS). The first version of HS-PHI will be evaluated during this year’s experiment, with a panel of NWS forecasters and human factor experts taking part. The participants will evaluate the software design using archive and real-time data. They will also examine the concept of PHI as it relates to hazardous weather warning operations.

The GOES-R / JPSS Spring Experiment continues to focus on two components: a) an evaluation of multiple CONUS GOES-R convective applications, including satellite and lightning; and b) a real-time evaluation of the JPSS products suite. Scientists will also be evaluating the Experimental Forecast Program’s probabilistic severe weather outlooks as guidance for warning operations.

Operational activities for both experiments will take place during the week Monday through Friday.

During the week of May 2-6, distinguished NWS guests will be Todd Holsten (WFO N. Indiana), Jennifer Vogt-Miller (WFO Jackson, KY), JJ Wood (WFO Milwaukee / Sullivan, WI), Matthew Day (WFO Norman, OK), and Evan Bookbinder (WFO Pittsburgh). Additionally, Brandon Wholey of KJRH-TV in Tulsa will join as a participant on the GOES-R / JPSS Experiment.

CIMMS’ Bill Line will be the weekly coordinator. Michael Bowlan (CIMMS/WDTD) will facilitate “Tales from the Testbed” webinars. The support team also includes Kristin Calhoun (CIMMS/NSSL), Darrel Kingfield (CIMMS/NSSL), Tiffany Meyer (CIMMS/NSSL), Gabe Garfield (CIMMS/NWS OUN), Alan Gerard (NSSL), Karen Cooper (CIMMS/NSSL), Vicki Farmer (NSSL)and Lans Rothfusz (NSSL).

For More Information:
You can learn more about the EWP here:

NOAA employees can access the internal GOES-R / JPSS page with their LDAP credentials: