Josh King, CIMMS Research Associate, ARM Climate Research Facility Data Quality Office

M.S. Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, 2014
B.S. Meteorology, University of Oklahoma

In October 2014, Josh rejoined CIMMS and the ARM Data Quality Office. As an undergraduate student in the School of Meteorology at OU, he had worked in the same capacity that CIMMS student quality analysts do today. In the time between, Josh obtained his M.S. in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University, where his research focused on rainfall from shallow, oceanic clouds and the ability to remotely sense these clouds from space. After defending his thesis, Josh also had the opportunity to visualize and validate rainfall retrievals from the then newly-launched NASA/JAXA Global Precipitation Measurement Mission’s Core Observatory.

What He Does:
In short, the mission of the ARM Data Quality Office is to ensure the flow of data of reasonable and known quality for science end users. To this end, Josh writes software and coordinates with the office’s student data quality analysts to identify data quality problems as they arise and facilitate the communication of these problems to end users. Since joining the Data Quality Office, Josh has served as the lead on data quality monitoring of ARM’s Aerosol Observing Systems.

Josh loves bicycling of all forms. Also, he once watched LeBron James play against his high school…in football (and says he was good at that, too!).