Adam Theisen, CIMMS Research Associate, ARM Climate Research Facility Data Quality Office

M.S., Atmospheric Science, University of North Dakota (2009)
B.S., Atmospheric Science, University of North Dakota (2007)

Adam was lucky enough to work on a number of research projects during his time at the University of North Dakota. These projects covered a wide range of topics, including weather modification, field campaigns focused on the origins of hurricanes (NAMMA), polarimetric radar observations of winter precipitation, instrumentation repair, and unmanned aircraft. After graduating in 2009, Adam worked at the NASA Independent Verification and Validation Facility in West Virginia, where he performed static code analysis for some of the NASA missions. Shortly thereafter, he found a job posting for a CIMMS position that fit his background and he has been here ever since!

What He Does:
Adam works in the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program (ARM) Data Quality (DQ) Office. ARM collects data from all over the world for climate research and our CIMMS office is responsible for ensuring that the data going out to end-users are of the highest quality. CIMMS staff processes, visualizes, and analyzes all the standard instrument data that comes through the program. A team of undergraduate student analysts then review these data and report on problems. Adam was initially hired specifically to work with the scanning radars that ARM acquired, but he has since expanded to work with most instrumentation.

Adam grows his own hops and grapes for making homemade beer and wine.