Monday, June 20, 2016 begins the first week of the three-week Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Hydro Experiment, which is a part of the 2016 United States Weather Research Program (USWRP) Hydrometeorological Testbed (HMT).  The HMT-Hydro Experiment will be conducted in conjunction with the Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall (FFaIR) Experiment at the Weather Prediction Center (WPC) from June 20 to July 15.

During the experiment, National Weather Service and River Forecast Center forecasters will work with research scientists to assess emerging hydrometeorological concepts and products to improve the accuracy, timing, and specificity of flash flood watches and warnings.  In particular, forecasters will evaluate short-term predictive tools derived from MRMS quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE) and the Flooded Locations and Simulated Hydrographs (FLASH) hydrologic modeling framework. This allows research scientists to investigate operationally relevant best practices for the warning decision making process. The Hydro Experiment will also explore the utility of experimental watch and warning products conveying uncertainty and magnitude issued through the Hazard Services software. Operational activities will take place during the week Monday through Friday.

For the week of June 20-24, distinguished NWS guests will be John Goff (WFO Burlington, VT), Nick Greenawalt (WFO Syracuse, IN), Mike Hardiman (WFO El Paso, TX), Greg Heavener (WFO Corpus Christi, TX), and Lara Pagano (WFO Morehead City, NC). The U.S. Weather Research Program has generously provided travel stipends for participants.

Manab Saharia (CIMMS) will be the weekly coordinator, and Steven Martinaitis (NSSL/CIMMS) will be the operations coordinator.  The support team also includes J.J. Gourley (NSSL), Tiffany Meyer (NSSL/CIMMS), Lans Rothfusz (NSSL), Zac Flamig (NSSL/CIMMS), Gabe Garfield (NWS/CIMMS), and Michael Bowlan (WDTD/CIMMS).

For More Information:
You can learn more about the HWT here:

And the HWT-Hydro Experiment here: