Yunheng Wang, Research Scientist (CIMMS/NSSL)

Ph.D. Computer Sciences, University of Oklahoma (2007)
M.S. Meteorology, University of Maryland (2000)
B.S. Meteorology, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology (1993)

Yunheng grew up in northeastern China and attended Nanjing Institute of Meteorology (now renamed as Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology). He began his career with the China Meteorological Administration before moving to the United States, where he earned his Master’s degree at the University of Maryland. From Maryland, Yunheng made his way to Norman, earning his Ph.D. in computer sciences at the University of Oklahoma. He worked with OU’s Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms as a research scientist/software manager, then was offered a position with OU CIMMS. He has been a member of the Warn-on-Forecast team since October 2015.

What He Does:
Yunheng’s work is concentrated on the Warn-on-Forecast project. He develops software running on supercomputers for atmospheric applications. He also uses data assimilation techniques (3D/4D variational method, EnKF, LETKF, etc.) to conduct radar and satellite data analysis. In addition, he is working with numerical weather prediction models, including WRF, NMMB, the Advanced Regional Prediction System, and the Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System. Yunheng enjoyed taking part in the 2016 Hazardous Weather Testbed experiments focusing on 3DVAR analysis and the WRF prediction system.

Yunheng has many interests, including reading (particularly ancient history), movies, and travel. He is not an avid sports fan, but encourages his two boys to be involved in athletics.
Fun Fact: Wang is the largest surname in China, with over 92 million people sharing the name!