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CIWRO News (Page 14)

CIMMS Welcomes New ARM Research Team Member

The University of Oklahoma Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies is proud to announce a new member to its team supporting the ARM Climate Research Facility Data Quality Office.Austin King is a CIMMS research associate supporting ARM’s DQ Office. King will help advance the mission of the DQ Office by developing and maintaining tools and methods used to improve various DQ analyses of ARM ...
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NOAA HWT Hosts Annual Spring Forecasting Experiment

For for the next five weeks NOAA’s Hazardous Weather Testbed Experimental Forecast Program is focused on one topic — using cutting-edge computer models to improve predictions of hazardous weather from one hour to several hours to several days in advance.The aim of such an experiment is to support NOAA’s goal of more accurate severe weather warnings and forecasts. From April 30 to June 1, researchers ...
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April 12th Reddit AMA: What’s On the Radar? | Talk Weather Research with NOAA

When severe weather strikes anywhere in the United States, weather radar is one of the most important tools forecasters use to track storms and warn the public. The current system, known as the WSR-88D radar or NEXRAD, provides the best quality data available in the world, and is the most reliable.We are radar specialists and work in the Radar Operations Center, the support center for the nation’s radar system, ...
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CIMMS Researchers, Graduate Assistants Place in AMS Competitions

Several University of Oklahoma Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies traveled to Austin for the American Meteorological Society’s Annual Meeting in January. They competed in poster and oral presentations.OU CIMMS Graduate Research Assistant and School of Meteorology student Hristo Chipilski won first place poster presentation  in the American Meteorological Society‘s PECAN Symposium ...
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Women’s History Month – Highlighting Women in CIMMS: Q&A with Kodi Berry

To celebrate Women’s History Month in March NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory is publishing a series of stories highlighting some women working at the lab. One Q&A segment will be published each Monday in March.Kodi Berry is a research scientist and Sea Grant liaison for the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies working at NSSL. Berry, who also serves as the executive officer of the ...
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NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Begins with HS-PHI Experiment

The NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed is once again busy buzzing with activity as researchers kick off the year’s first research activities. Located in the National Weather Center in Norman, Oklahoma, the testbed is operated by the NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory and the NOAA National Weather Service, with several participants and experiment leads from The University of Oklahoma Cooperative Institute for ...
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