Jeff Snyder, Research Scientist (CIMMS/NSSL)

Ph.D. Meteorology, University of Oklahoma (2013)
M.S. Meteorology, University of Oklahoma (2008)
B.S.  Meteorology, University of Oklahoma (2005)

Jeff hails from Minnesota and came to Oklahoma in 2001 to attend OU. He has enjoyed the opportunities in Norman to pursue his interests in storm chasing/observing, photography, and electronics. He completed his doctoral research at OU in 2013, after which time he became a Postdoctoral Research Associate through the National Research Council and worked at NSSL. He was hired as a Research Scientist with OU CIMMS in February 2015.

What He Does:
The majority of Jeff’s research focuses on the use of radar to study convective storms; he is interested in pursuing research ideas that are relevant to both the operational and research communities. He is currently working to improve the detection of large hail and tornadoes. Using polarimetric radar observations of tornadoes and severe storms, he is investigating the evolution and structure of tornadoes, and he is examining the effect of the ground on mobile radar beam propagation and “shape”. In addition, he is working to improve the polarimetric representation of convective storms simulated using high-resolution numerical models.

Jeff most enjoys spending time with his wife and son. His wife is a veterinarian, so his family also includes lots of furry friends!