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CIWRO News (Page 33)

Pete Lamb Symposium

OU CIMMS hosted the Peter Lamb Symposium at the 2016 AMS Annual Meeting. Find the agenda here.
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New CIMMS Logo!

OU CIMMS has a new logo. Check it out here!
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CIMMS at NSSL: Chris Curtis

Chris Curtis researches advancements in weather radar technology with NSSL. Learn more.
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AMS 2016 Student Awards

OU CIMMS scientists among the award winners at the 2016 AMS Annual Meeting.
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CIMMS at NSSL: Jeff Snyder

Jeff Snyder is using radar data to pursue research ideas that are relevant to the operational and research communities. Learn more about his work.
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CIMMS at NSSL: Chris Karstens

Chris works very closely on the FACETs project with NSSL. Learn more about his role here at CIMMS!
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