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CIWRO News (Page 31)

WDTD/OWL Workshop in April

In early April, CIMMS scientists with the NOAA/NWS Warning Decision Training Division (WDTD) will be facilitating two workshops for the Oklahoma Weather Lab.
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CIMMS at WDTD: Andy Wood

Andy Wood develops and facilitates training with WDTD. He received the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Service in 2015. Learn more about him!
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CIMMS Researchers in Africa

CIMMS’ Race Clark and Zac Flamig are traveling to Africa in March to conduct training sessions on hydrological modeling. Learn more.
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CIMMS at NSSL: Terry Schuur

Terry collaborates with RRDD at NSSL. His primary research interests are radar meteorology, cloud physics, and atmospheric electricity.
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CIMMS at WDTD: Steve Cocks

Steve is a research associate with the Hydro-Met group, which has been instrumental in developing the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor program with NSSL.
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2016 Meeting of NOAA CI Directors & Administrators

CIMMS representatives attended and participated in the annual meeting of NOAA Cooperative Institute Directors and Administrators.
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