How did I become the organizer of the 2nd ISEC 2011?

As the general chairman of the local organizing committee for the 2nd ISEC, I worked really hard to put together a great technical and social program at the ISEC. The local organizing committee planned every detail of the 2nd ISEC: from the bags attendees received the first morning, to the technical sessions, to the dessert people had at the banquet… What could possibly motivate someone to volunteer for this role? Here's my story:

About two years ago, a group of 24 faculty, researchers, and students from the National Weather Center went to Kyoto, Japan to participate in the first symposium between Kyoto University and the University of Oklahoma. That was the 1st ISEC, and I had the privilege of being there.

Professionally and personally, the 1st ISEC was a fantastic experience for me. The talks were very interesting, the Uji Campus is beautiful, the city of Kyoto is incredible, and our hosts did a tremendous job putting together the 1st ISEC! We were all very impressed and grateful. Still, the first evening something unexpected happened to me. After an icebreaker reception, we headed out to go back to our hotel and realized it was pouring. I had not brought an umbrella, but I wanted to get back to my hotel. So, I started walking under the rain to the train station, which was about 3 blocks away. I tried to use my bag to cover my head and the only suit I had brought to Kyoto, but I was still getting soaked. Half way through to the train station, I was struck by a random act of kindness. An old man, a local who was walking in the opposite direction, saw me, a foreigner in a suit with no umbrella, and stopped me to give me his umbrella so that I wouldn’t get wet. Of course, I didn’t understand a word of what he said to me, but I got that he wouldn’t take "no" for an answer. So, I did take his umbrella and was dry for the rest of my journey, but more than that, I took this random act of kindness as inspiration to give back what I had received at the 1st ISEC. So, after that, I was sold: I was ready to help in any way I could to make the 2nd ISEC as good as a success and to make our Japanese guests feel as welcomed to our university and to our city as I did two years ago.

I'm very glad to report that the 2nd ISEC was a big success! I'm truly grateful to the co-conveners, the members of the local organizing committee, the student volunteers, and the staff at the NWC. Everyone pulled together to have a fantastic symposium of which we are very proud. What an amazing experience!

If you'd like to know more about the 2nd ISEC 2011, the official symposium webpage is here.


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